About The Maine Oyster Company

"Building a Community Through Experience & Story"

A community built around a company as its foundation our vision is being realized through staying true to our mission to share Maine oysters, seafood & "a way of life".  

sharing3 primary nodes of operations including Basecamp in Phippsburg, MOC HQ in Portland &  The Rising Wind, a 43 foot sailboat. Our community foundation is built around the Oyster Farmers & farms of Maine, our own team, our customers, followers, friends & family.

Our Vision & Mission  

A Rising Wind Raises All Shells Mentality

We strive for "Collaboration With Everyone, Competition With No One"  across our multi-channel operations that include:

  • An oyster farm,  #capesmalls :)
  • An oyster bar aka MOC HQ
  • Direct to consumer & partner shipping
  • Experiences - Shucking Classes, Farm Tours, Wine/Oyster Pairings & Lobster Bakes
  • Events -  Both public & private built around our mobile oyster raw bar experience]
  • Hospitality from basic lodging to experiental retreats.
    • Launching Spring 2022 - Bootcamps @ Basecamp

A passion for the ocean, a love of Maine & an intense desire to create, build & share. This is what the Maine Oyster Company stands for. Our vision it to build an all inclusive oyster/aquaculture community including farmers, slurpers, institution and industry. Our mission is to sell, slurp, shuck and share Maine Oysters. Equally a community as much as a company we have created this farm share to help build our business, but also to help support all the farms whom have lost their distribution channels. The more you buy the more we buy direct from the farms, most of them boutique, under 100,000 oysters/year in production, at very sustainable prices. Lets get Slurping!

Be believe working together in collaboration and cooperation is the fastest (and most fun way for us all to  achieve our individual successes.   Our hope is to build an all inclusive oyster & aquaculture community that connects, farmers, oyster lovers, the state of Maine & our collective industry together under one bivalve awesome roof. We are committed to a business model of putting more rather than less in the pockets of the individual farmers. by buying directly from the individual farms