Oooh la la.. looking nice! :)
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The Rising Wind

"Who Hears The Fish"

The Rising Winds vision is built around unifying & blending institution with with entrepreneurship. 

Our mission is to sail from Maine to the Red Sea (& back) building community along the way & inspiring passion by sharing our story, the Maine oyster & a "Way of Life."

It is influenced by the Darwinian ideals of learning & exploring to help  preserve our oceans & the coastal communities built alongside them.

Leg 1: Maine to Key West  


Through gales, gusts & with gusto Team Rising Wind made it 1500 nautical miles in 25 days from Maine to Key West to complete Leg 1 of our journey & voyage! 

Whats next?  See our multi-year tentative plan here & until Leg 2 kicks off in late April with a trip to Cuba, RW will be far from dormant as we ramp up the marine research along with snorkeling/fishing & overnight adventures galore.

Meet Mobi & Rising Wind  

Constructing of Mobi
Oooh la la.. looking nice! :)
Rising wind
Poster for Mobi #squeezeitalltogether assembly