In front of millions of half shucked half shells watch 2 epic battles in years 1 and 2 of the Bivalve Bowl  between the Hard Shells from Damariscotta/Mid Coast and the Mightys Shucks  of Casco Bay/New Meadows.

Bivalve Bowl II

Feb, 5th, 2022
Bivalve Bowl II
Sun, Feb 6th

The Prevalve Shell Reports

Bivalve Bowl I


Boston, MA


Portland, ME

1st & 2nd Qtrs

Bivalve Bowl I

The Winner: Determined by 8 rolls of the dice (4 rolls per team) w/ each roll representing the teams quarterly score. -see example here

3rd & 4th Qtr

Bivalve Bowl I

Outtakes & Bloopers
