Ferda Farms Oysters

Farmed by Max, Chris & Team
Floating Cage
New Meadows River

$129 $155

Includes UPS overnight shipping our policy
$40/lobster. Each approx 1 1/4 lb hard shell

About Ferda Farms Oyster Farm

In an industry of great tradition, the farmers of Ferda Farms and their product, the "Bombazine," have brought a fresh ethos to the world of oystering.  Ferda Farms started as a family business with a father and two sons enrolled in The University of Maine School of Engineering. They have been working diligently since 2018 to produce a unique product.

And their diligence shows... Not only were these farmers winners of a competitive UMaine Business Challenge, but have also partnered with various marine biology labs to conduct growth experiments, all in an effort to improve product sustainability and quality.

Ferda Farms, inspired by the slogan "For the Boys," is located in the New Meadows River. The "Bombazine" is distinctly grassy, and has been rising in the ranks as a customer favorite. You can support these young farmers by slurping their product in our New Meadows Collection, in our Taste of Maine Kit, in a Variety Pack, or in bulk!

Salt of the North Atlantic Ocean, clean and pure like the state of Maine, as powerful as an aphrodisiac should be.
