Eider Cove Oysters

Farmed by Peter Francisco
New Meadows River

$129 $155

Includes UPS overnight shipping our policy
$40/lobster. Each approx 1 1/4 lb hard shell

About Eider Cove Oyster Farm

Eider Cove Oyster Farm is situated at the base of a 75 foot ridge comprised of granite boulders, embedded with quartz and tourmaline, and covered with Norway and White Pine Trees. The ridge is part of a salt water farm dating back to the seventeen hundreds where a variety of crops and livestock have been raised for most of its existence. Several thousand feet of stone walls traverse the property. Middens of clam and quahog shells give evidence of the farm’s relationship with the river. Prior residents included a sea captain, boat builders and fishermen. Several are buried in the small cemetery on the property.

The farm is owned and operated by Peter Francisco, a veteran and legend in the Maine Oyster Industry. Peter's mission began in 2014 as an attempt to keep his family's 200 year old salt water farm sufficiently productive so that he could continue to keep it in the family. 

Peter is a born and raised Mainer, and the New Meadows River has always been an important part of his life. Indeed, like many other Mainers, the river has provided a steady source of income for years - digging for quahogs helped him fund his schooling and support his family since childhood. 

You can enjoy Eider Cove Oysters in our New Meadows Collection, in a Variety Pack, in bulk, or in our Taste of Maine Kit. Shipped directly to your door, Peter's fresh Maine Oysters are guaranteed to provide you with a taste of the beautiful New Meadows River.
