Basin Cove Oysters

Basin Cove Oyster Shell

$173 $207

Price includes overnight priority shipping
Oysters remain FRESH for 10 days refrigerated

About Basin Cove Oyster Farmers

This is 1 unique & special oyster!!! Grown by Dean, a multi generational native of Maine who's great great grandfather built the building we the Maine Oyster Company operate out of in Phippsburg, it used to be an old General Store.... now we call it Basecamp!

 History aside, the Basin Cove oyster is jam packed with flavor due to the wide spectrum of temperature profiles it endures throughout the 4 seasons.  Tumbled in a "Rube Goldberg" esque cement mixer turned oyster tumbler invention, Dean's oysters are petite yet strong, soft yet bold.  With a slight green hue and a SUPER sweet finish we hope you enjoy his hand crafted product!

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