Epic Tour of the Damariscotta River

Posted: Nov 10, 2020 by John

look at Gary!!


Back in the day myself, father & brother used to go on some pretty fun boat trips along the coast of Maine.  Its amazing how time can go by and 5 years later one finds they have been on very few as of late.  That all changed today with an epic journey, sans brother on this one, down the Damariscotta River  with an initial mission of visiting Smokey & his oyster farming team of the famous Pemaquid oyster.  Quickly however, the mission still most definitey the mission, the journey also turned into an incredible video content gathering & oyster farm viewing journey. 


Early/mid November, bright sun mid 60's, father/son trip, coast of Maine boat trip, oyster farms, Damariscotta River.

What a day, what a trip w/ a bonus stop en route to Smoke  to see Dana Morse, at the Darllin Marine institute along with some clams he was preparing to experiment with new growign methods on.

Living at Basecamp, the mouth of the New Meadows River and its many incredible growers plus being a short boat ride to many oyster farms,  both large and small in Casco Bay, I have gotten accostomed to thinking this is the oyster epicenter of Maine, deep down I know it is Damariscotta, but today this really hit home as hard as a Pemquid oyster shell resisting the drill snails best efforts to get inside!

And this is a test of how this really ends up working out. BOOM SHUCK A LUCKA and love to all


