Brendan Parsons

Farmed by Brendan Parsons
Floating Cage
Damariscotta River

Grown in the world famous Damariscotta River Blackstone Point oysters are a well shaped, hard shelled, briny bad ass bivalve!  Its grower Brendan Parson's is what we call in Maine an oysterpreneur!   Brendan built & operates a top oyster bar in the state, The Shuck Station along with a great wholesale shellfish distribution business, Damariscotta River Distributors,  both located at the mouth of the Damariscotta River in Newcastle, ME.

The Blackstone Point oyster is produced in a tried & true oyster farming method  known as the floating cage system where oysters  are placed in hard mesh bags bags within a surface floating cage that is suspended at the surface by 2 large pontoons full of air! His oysters are lightly tumbled & lovingly tended & thus exhibit the rivers traditional qualities around shape, color & size, but with subtle yet noticeable splendid variation.   

Blackstone Pt Oyster Farm
